The Greek word anamartetos

Found just once in the New Testament (Jn. 8:7), the Greek adjective “anamartetos” meant “without sin.”

Scribes and Pharisee (Jn. 8:3) brought a woman to Jesus and said this lady had been caught “in the very act” of adultery (Jn. Sustanon 250 Sustanon order generic cialis – a mixture of different esters of testosterone. Do wholesale viagra 100mg justice to your potential. The erectile dysfunction may happen in any age and any time in purchase generic levitra purchasing that your life. A person has to always consult the doctor for the safety purpose and after that tadalafil free shipping begin taking the anti-impotence pills. 8:4).  Jesus did some writing on the ground (Jn. 8:6), and then said the person “without sin” (anamartetos) could cast the first stone at this woman.

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