Tag Archives: information on the aphiemi

The Greek word “aphiemi”

Found most often in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and used more than 140 times in the New Testament, the Greek verb “aphiemi” meant “‘to let go,’ ‘to leave’ (Mk. 1:20; 10:28-29; Jn. 4:3; 16:28; 1 Cor. 7:11ff; Rom. 1:27; Rev. 2:4), or ‘to leave behind’ (Mk. 1:18; Mt. 5:24; Jn. 4:28; Heb. 6:1), or ‘to let alone’ (Mk. 11:6; 14:6; Mt. 3:15; Lk. 13:8; Jn. 11:48; Acts 14:17), or ‘to allow’ (Mk. This will make them feel satisfied and help in buy cialis professional hartbuildersinc.com redeveloping the self-esteem. This drug is widely used by many people of this recent generation has been a culprit for the occurrence of libido in diabetic patients. http://hartbuildersinc.com/html/bathrooms.html levitra 60 mg For this particular reason, men usually delay talking to their doctor about the penile failure condition. buy viagra in canada This sexual problem viagra sales in india has increased many complications in the patient’s body. 1:34; 5:19; cf. the formula in Mk. 7:27; Mt. 3:14; 7:4)” (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged Edition, p. 88).

This verb “can also mean ‘to remit,’ ‘to forgive’ in a secular (Mt. 18:27) or more often religious sense, e.g., sins (Mk. 2:5ff), trespasses (Mt. 6:14), iniquities (Rom. 4:7), and the intent of the heart (Acts 8:22). The noun áphesis almost always means ‘forgiveness,’ usually of sins (Mk. 1:4; Mt. 26:28; Acts 2:38; 5:31; 10:43; Col. 1:14), but of trespasses in Eph. 1:7.