Tag Archives: apokruphos in the Bible

The Greek word apokruphos

Found just three times in the New Testament (Mk. 4:22; Lk. 8:17; Col. 2:3), the Greek adjective “apokruphos” meant “secret” or “hidden.”  In both Mk. 4 and Lk. 8 the Lord used this term to say hidden things will be revealed.  Stated another way, “Jesus impresses on His disciples the fact that the cause of God is entrusted to them, that it has emerged from its original concealment, and that God will publicly confess it” (Kittel, 3:973).  In Col. This FDA approved medication has succeeded to win hearts of millions of men with 4frontimports.com tadalafil generic viagra Erectile Dysfunction. This free levitra samples adds to the chances of Erectile Dysfunction. This boosts blood regulation in the body. online cialis canada to overcome erectile dysfunction. Top search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN do not only aim for selling such generic drugs whilst have a purpose of increase awareness of effective Kamagra for men who are fighting with erectile dysfunction. online viagra prescription 2:3 Paul said “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” are hidden in Christ.  Kittel (3:976) said the “spiritual knowledge of hidden wisdom depends upon the divine plan of salvation historically fulfilled in Christ.  This is its object, cf. 1 C. 2:6ff. with 1:18, 24; Col. 1:26 with v. 27, 18ff.”