Tag Archives: definition of apospao

The Greek word apospao

Found only in Mt. 26:51; Lk. 22:41; Acts 20:30; 21:1, the Greek verb “apospao” meant “draw,” “withdrawn,” or “draw away.”

Matthew used this term to describe the literal “withdrawal” of a sword.  Thayer (p. Just as the risk of getting illnesses related to smoking increases with duration and number of cigarettes smoked, if someone stops smoking buy cheap cialis important site the risk gradually decreases as the age increases. All about impotence/erectile dysfunction This issue is basically said viagra on line pharmacy to be effective for preventing pregnancy in more than 99% of cases. Many men have reported that their Impotence problem humiliate them cialis on sale and lower their confidence level. cialis generika http://www.heritageihc.com/articles/8/ Dose of this drug must for all time be taken in the right quantity for best outcome. 67) said the meaning in Lk. 22:41 is “parted, tore himself, from them about a stone’s cast.”  Some try to “draw away” disciples after themselves (Acts 20:30).  The meaning in Acts 21:1 is “having torn ourselves from the embrace of our friends” (Thayer, p. 67).