Tag Archives: dike in the Bible

The Greek word “dike”

Limited to Acts 25:15; 28:4; 2 Thess. 1:9; Jude 7, the Greek noun “dike” meant “vengeance,” “judgment,” “sentence,” “penalty,” “condemnation.”

“God’s justice in punishing the wicked is established early in the OT narrative, e.g., in the stories His family is extremely wealthy, he is engaged to get married to the woman of his bulk viagra uk dreams, and he leads a seemingly storybook life. The heart may unsubstantially pump enough blood to the lungs, which buy levitra from india may lead to heart failure. This blockage of blood is done by PDE 5 enzyme in the body of order viagra overnight the male. Sometimes, you may get free sample offer cheap cialis http://canterburymewscooperative.com/ for use. of the flood, the Tower of Babel, and Sodom and Gomorrah.  This principle is embodied in the Mosaic legislation, which specified a range of punishments for crimes both against God and against human beings” (Silva, 1:744).