Tag Archives: the word akeraios

The Greek word akeraios

Found just three times in the New Testament (Mt. 10:16; Rom. 16:19; Phil. 2:15), the Greek adjective “akeraios” described what was “pure” or “simple.” Jesus told the “twelve” (Mt. 10:1) to be “harmless” (akeraios) as “doves” (Mt. There are also other drugs available that hope to become alternatives to look at more info online cialis. In a petition to congressmen John Mica (R-7-FL), Nick Rahall (D-3-WV), Thomas Petri (R-6-WI) and Jerry Costello (D-12-IL), all pivotal members of the House Subcommittee on Aviation, Bolen said that the amendment would constitute the type of ‘patchwork quilt’ of local restrictions that the Airport Noise and Capacity Act (ANCA) of 1990 was composed to avoid. price viagra Therefore it is important to accept the fact because with erectile dysfunction also you can enjoy sexual intimacy because viagra online discount will never ever let you down. The muscles relax, discomfort ordine cialis on line sales here is reduced, and the hypnotic effect of the medication allows sufferers to drift off to sleep. 10:16). Paul wanted Christians to be “simple” (akeraios) when it came to “evil” and “wise” to what is “good” (Rom. 16:19). In Phil. 2:15 this word again contrasts the Christian way of life with the ways of the unsaved.