Tag Archives: the word gongusmos

The Greek word “gongusmos”

Found just four times in the New Testament (Jn. 7:12; Acts 6:1; Phil. 2:14; 1 Pet. 4:9), the Greek noun “gongusmos” meant “mutter,” “complain,” “grumble.”  Much “murmuring” occurred because of Jesus (Jn. Kamagra enhances the person’s libido by turning out the erection to a higher level and allowing a good amount of online cialis blood circulation in the body. Here, we discuss the key psychological issues behind levitra canadian pharmacy it. For example, if you have heart disease, you can take a number of sildenafil super measures that, probably, improve the health of your heart and your erectile dysfunction. It is readily available in the United Kingdom energyhealingforeveryone.com order 50mg viagra as well as in many online United States pharmacies. 7:12).  There was “grumbling” in the first century church (Acts 6:1) and Paul specifically warned the Philippians about this activity (Phil. 2:14).  Peter said hospitality is to be shown without “complaining” (1 Pet. 4:9).