Tag Archives: the word gonu

The Greek word “gonu”

Found twelve times in the New Testament, the Greek noun “gonu” meant “knee.”  In almost every place this term is used it is connected with prayer or worship.

Some “bow the knee” to false gods (Rom. 11:4).  Every “knee should bow” at the name of Jesus (Phil. 2:10), but all “will bow their knee” to Him at the end of time (Rom. After a proper diagnosis the treatment for infertility shall begin that would help in obtaining results and canadian pharmacy tadalafil a successful conception. Nowadays, online driver ed is purchase viagra online very reasonable and convenient. Further, the medicine also prevents blood from flowing out of the cialis prices organ. The ingredients used in the generic levitra cialis formulation of these creams and gels are 100% natural. 14:11).  Simon Peter “fell down at Jesus’ knees” (Lk. 5:8).